Getting Started - DEPRECATED

These Ansible “base code” modules have been superseded by the new Ansible Galaxy Collections for FortiOS and FortiManager, and are no longer included in Ansible as of version 2.10.

Redhat has removed all vendor/partner modules from the Ansible Base Code, and moved everyone to Ansible Galaxy Collections.

Active maintenance and development for these “base code” modules has ended, and the new collections are to be used going forward, which is the new active project from Fortinet Engineering.


The FortiSIEM Modules are connection: local modules. In other words, they do not use a plugin.

The FortiSIEM API is stateless, so a username and password authentication header must be sent with every request. Thus, a connection plug-in (which expects an API token or Session ID) will never likely be developed for FortiSIEM modules.

As of this writing, Ansible Vault is a valid option for encoding and storing the username/password.


  • Minimum Ansible Version: 2.7+
  • Minimum Python Version: 2.7+
    • Works with Python 3.x
  • Minimum FortiSIEM Version: 5.0+


Step 1 - Auto Installation Method (Currently Unavailable)

Until we PR these modules and module_utils, this method is unavailable. Please see the manual installation below.

Expect this installation method to be un-available when Ansible 2.9+ is released, or perhaps a maintenance release to 2.8+.

Step 2 (Optional) - Manual Installation Method

Until we get this code past the Pull-Request process with Redhat, it should be released in Ansible 2.9+. Until then…

Step 2a - Base Ansible Install

  • First, make sure Ansible is already installed, and shows version 2.7+.
  • If version isn’t 2.7+, upgrade.

Step 2b - Clone FNDN Git Repo

Step 2c - Install Module Utils

  • The module_utils need to be copied to their correct locations.
  • Find the module utils under fndn_ansible/fortisiem/module_utils/network/fortisiem/, copy them all to: .
  • If you’re unsure where to find this path on your own system, run this command:
find /usr -name "ansible"
  • … and the path under a python dist-packages should present itself. It will be similar to the path above. Create the directory if required.

Step 2d - Install Modules

Step 3 - Inventory File

The FortiSIEM Super should be added to the hosts file under the header [FortiSIEM]. It should also have declarations for username and password. The username must be in org/user format, and the password must be valid, and the account must have admin privileges of some kind in FortiSIEM. We recommend creating a user named “ansible” with the permissions required, and using that account in the hosts fie.





Step 4 - Playbook Test

Ansible should be ready to test now. Copy the following code block into a file named “test_fsm.yml”:

  hosts: FortiSIEM
  connection: local
  gather_facts: False

        host: "{{ inventory_hostname }}"
        username: "{{ username }}"
        password: "{{ password }}"
        ignore_ssl_errors: "enable"
        mode: "get"
        export_json_to_screen: "enable"
        uri: "/phoenix/rest/config/Domain"

… and then run it with the following command:

ansible-playbook test_fsm.yml -vvvv

If successful, it should report OK with Green Text and show various information about the target FortiSIEM Organizations.

If not successful, double check the hosts file, username/password combo, and that the credentials have appropriate RBAC access in FortiSIEM. The -vvvv verbose mode should indicate where the issue lies.

Using Ansible Vault to Hide Logins

There are many ways to implement Ansible Vault. Feel free to use any method desired. If no previous experience with Ansible Vault exists, we recommend starting with this method:

The procedure is simple:

  • Use ‘ansible-vault encrypt string’ on ansible host to create a vault string.
  • Replace vault string in HOSTS or Variables file, for the username/password or both.
  ansible_user: "ansible"
  ansible_host: ""
  ansible_password: !vault |
  • Add a reference to the variable file/vault file from the playbook itself:
- name: Query FSM
  hosts: FortiSIEM
  connection: local
  gather_facts: False
    - group_vars/vault.yml
  • And then run playbooks with –ask-vault-pass, or setup a password file to provide it.

It is recommended to keep vault secret variables in their own files, so the un-encrypted variables could be read by peers.

Additional Ansible Vault tutorials, references, and alternative implementation methods: